Thursday, August 16, 2012


I find the major issue I've encountered in my mental transformation is that people are always looking for a specific way of living that has all the answers. The honest truth is, no one has all the answers. There is no book you can buy, no speech nor sermon written, no thought ever conjured up that could even begin to create a righteous pathway for every human being on this planet. What's worse is that every group that believes it has all the answers will look at any opposing groups and claim their value is severely lessened because they don't have the answers to every single question ever made. And instead of saying that we can't know everything, people will attempt to increase the value of their beliefs by being apologetic and "creating" ways that they can justify them. People as a whole have become mindless slaves of ignorance and hypocrisy. Only by acknowledging the possibility of our wrongness can we truly find the reality of our rightness.

1 comment:

  1. People oft do grasp at and accept whatever ideals, morals or beliefs seem to answer their needs. They accept their beliefs as their own and set about to elevate their own by trouncing on those who believe otherwise. It is rote belief in its simplest form and in so doing and advocating and promoting their system of beliefs onto others, they create justification through mass, not justification through logic. The need to know the answers in life, to answer the basic questions regarding the struggles and persecutions we face in daily, and the glimmer of hope offered by a belief system which unites our struggles as one, takes away logic as it gives false hope. And when dichotomies are found by others in the very fabric of what they believe, they simply find a retort to give, taken from a contradiction within their own belief system which, for whatever particular contradiction which is posed to them, allows for justification. For them to question why their logic contains dichotomies and opposing facts is to incite anger in its simplest form as the blind often do not want to see.... for the ugliness which exists in this world, outside of their sphere of false prophets, is too hard and too unimaginably difficult for them to bear witness to and to not have an answer as to the big question....... "why?"
