Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Under Oath

Why do we use a Religious Holy Book in governmental processes. Isn't church and state supposed to remain separate? Plus, if your not a Christian, you could be swearing on a Harry Potter book and it would feel the same way. Plus, what's the point of the swear anyway. Your telling someone to tell the truth so help them god, yet if their not religious, it's not going to increase their odds of telling the truth. Why don't they just say "Your under oath and lying is against the law." And if they need a book for historical tradition, why not use the Constitution. This is, in fact, a court of LAW you know.


  1. I live in Ontario, Canada. I brought this very question to a legal professional who advised me that, instead of swearing, I could simply procliaim, "I affirm." Ever since then, whenever I've been in court and asked to swear, I refuse to put my hand on the bible and simply state, "I affirm."

  2. Should just use Sodium Pentathol, only way to be sure :L

  3. There is a kind of expectancy that people will be afraid to tell lie when god is watching - Clever people know it is not true and they have got used to lying while swearing on god to make it look truth. It is utter nonsense.
