Sunday, September 23, 2012

Life: A Philosophy

In life, we are fated to meet our destiny. This destiny is unchanging because we can not predict it. Any attempt to change our destiny is in affect actually creating it. If you attempt to change destiny by making an opposing choice, you are in fact fulfilling your destiny to make that opposing choice. Destiny is based on the choices we make. If we our headed towards destiny, our opinions are unchanging. If we are not yet in the right direction, are opinions will be altered as necessary. Every decision we make influences our destiny, and our destiny in turn influences every decision we make. Every moment in our lives is a guide. This guide leads us to the path that leads us toward our destiny. Everything is set in stone. Control is an illusion, for we control nothing yet everything. We make decisions that create our destiny, but our destiny has already required us to make those choices to meet it. Time is an unending cycle where everything is possible but only one thing will happen. Good and Evil are two sides of the same coin, so Evil can never be destroyed and Good can never overcome Evil. Every force has an opposite. They are equal, they are the same, and they exist to create a whole. Where there is one, there is the other. Destroy one, the other ceases to exist. Without them, life is just an existence. With them, we find our purpose.  We all have a purpose to fulfill, even if that purpose is to not have a purpose. The goal is not to know your purpose, know the future, or to attempt to change the unchangeable. The goal is to know yourself, and to understand why we have made the choices we make. In the end, every choice we have made has lead us here, and us being here will lead us closer to our destiny. The path is in front of us, and it may be difficult, but it is our path, and it is ours alone. Know Thyself and you will know all that is necessary to know.


  1. Two quotes come to mind:
    1. "Despite all visible differences, society enforces common destiny."
    2. "Lots of people confuse bad management with destiny," Elbert Hubbard.

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  4. Chaos theory (fatalism) means that everything is a product of random accidents. in such a scenario, one has little or no control.

    The opposite of this is the ideology of a pre-ordained destiny, in which the outcome is known and one doesn't have to try to control their lives..... someone or some power has that control. This ideology is very liberating to those who cannot deal with taking responsibility for themselves and their life, either partially or totally. Religion can play a role her (leave the issue to God to figure out).

    Free-will empowers you to control your own life. You make choices and you determine your own outcomes as a result. With this ideology, one has to feel as though they have total and complete knowledge of all variables which could affect them and, feel that they have control over those variables. There is some ego at work with this model!

    Partial destiny is the theory that there are some parts of life which you have control over and some parts which you do not. For instance, you may not be able to self-determine that you will get a deadly disease but you could outline a course of your life which you feel you can attain an outcome which you have envisioned.

    For all other types of destiny, there are the words of this noble person who said it most eloquently...

    Click Here
