Thursday, July 19, 2012

Catechism of the Catholic Church

It is now time for me to review the large handbook of the religion that I was formerly a major believer in. Catholicism. This well known system of beliefs is recorded in the 700+ page giant, The Catechism of the Catholic Church (or as I like to refer to it, how to brainwash millions into believing complete and utter BULLSHIT). This gigantic instruction manual, which is not what most call a page turner, tells believers how they must live their lives in order to find happiness in the afterlife. The biggest rule in this book is that in order to find God, you must be obediant to.....The Church. Yes, the same building that has done marvels in Crusades, executions, and collecting vast sources of wealth, only to settle down into the field of child molestation is apparently the greatest man made institution in the world. In order to follow The Church, you must follow its sacred rituals and believe everything that it says (in less than a page, this is already sounding like a big freaking cult). After being indoctrinated through a series of Christian rituals like baptism (without it you cannot go to heaven), communion (everyone must eat Jesus to recieve his love), and confirmation (having an old man put oil on your head is very important),  you have the splendid choice between holy orders (which mean a fantastic life of chastity, and no, masturbation is not living chastely) or marriage. Marriage can only be done through The Church (outside of it, it is considered a sinful abominations and will prevent you from recieving penance, another neccesitty for pleasing the divine taskmaster). You are only allowed to get married once, and it is the only way you can have sex without sin. But before commiting "the deed", you must be informed that the main reason of this action is to procreate, so contracpetives (which are a sin almost equal to murder) are out of the question. In other words, your marraige is either without sex or with 15 children, and when you or your spouse begin to fight over how stupid these rules are, be informed that since you can't break up, you will be in a perpetual state of bitterness till someone dies. Abortion, if you you were wondering, is a sin so severe, doing it will result in your excommuniacation. Catholics are very pro life with fetus', yet if it grows up and breaks the law, The Church is not against the death penalty. So when you finnally snap and kill your spouse, don't think The Church will hesitate to return the favor (However, if you lived a life of faithfull servitude and are dying of a major disease, The Church will do everything in it's power to prevent you from euthanasia). Speaking of children, if you get married in a Catholic church, you are forced to raise the kids Catholic. The church says we should do the best to shove the good book as far down the throats of others as we possibly can. What if you are however not interested in the other sex. The Church says that you are still special in god's eyes, and shall be prayed for.......while you are living a life of chastity and holy works (you are basically born into the position of a priest or nun). The last major importance in living a life of piety is charity. You must help others around you, but don't forget to shove your beliefs at them (I was informed by my priest during a sermon not to live the life of a Secular Humanist, who helps people, but a Evangelist, who spreads the Gospel). If you follow every one of these rules for the rest of your life while praying constantly (and showing up at mass every sunday, and holy day of obligation), you will have a chance of going to heaven, where you will be god's servant.........for the rest of eternity. Basically, you live a miserable and pathetic existence, pretending to be happy while in constant hope of the afterlife. That's why Catholic's and other groups are so "sure" of the Afterlife. If it they waiver in faith of it, they must admit that they have wasted their happiness on a pipe dream. Review- Catechism of the Catholic Church- Rating 1/10 Miserable and Pathetic.


  1. A well written surmise of what amounts to a cultist regime. Placing fear into the minds of the non-followers is the basis created for a religion which itself has dichotomous self contradictions. It is sad to think how every other religion on this planet is not the true faith in the eyes of the Catholic Regime. It is even sadder a fact to realize that so many religions also follow a similar suit of their own.

  2. “What have you gained if you have lost your soul?”
    One palm Sunday 1968, I was at my uncles place, while all of us was holding a coconut tender leaf, I saw a very spirited man and woman holding big cross and attending the mass in front of others. “Were they leading the prayer?” I asked my uncle and the whole house burst into a big laughter.
    They were being punished for pre-marital sexual relationship. What a humiliation? Everyone except me must have been laughing at them. But they must have taken the punishment to get back into the church and get back their soul.
    “The difference between state’s laws and church’s laws is,” said Bro Joseph Crease, an English Christian Brother, “For the state only if you are caught it becomes a crime, but for the church just the thought of committing a crime becomes a sin.”

  3. "It is even sadder a fact to realize that so many religions also follow a similar suit of their own"

    I hate to say this, but that IS religion for you, all are the same.
