Thursday, July 26, 2012

God is Not Religion

I don't understand why Religions always try to prove the truthfulness of their beliefs by attempting to show that we were created by a god. Sure, there is really no way of proving that a more supreme being was or was not part of our existence. The thing is however, this argument has nothing to do with your religion. This does not prove heaven, hell, prayers, prophets, purgatory, rebirth, or for that matter, anything. I will admit that their is a chance that a higher being created us, but if one did, we know NOTHING about it. We don't know it's reasons, it's form, or what appeases it. If it exists, it is beyond our past, present, and possibly our future comprehension. So wasting your time trying to please a being that either doesn't exist or is too complex for us to understand its existence is utterly pointless. Maybe one day the unanswered questions will reveal to us the knowledge we've been searching for. Till then, we minus well just live our lives.

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